Interested in Self Publishing a Biographical/Historical book?

Fact! Maya Angelou said, "If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going." Books that speak of the history of a person, a family, a time, or a culture adds to our future. Books on past events breathes life on a path once followed and invites the reader to take the journey. 
If you have a biographical/historical book in mind, grab this free guide on how to plan, start, and prepare a Biographical/Historical for publishing.
You will learn the steps you need to turn your idea into a reality.


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Step By Step Guide to Self Publishing 



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Great Resource & Tool

Fact finding books are always a great tool for the curious mind. In a world saturated in information, there is a greater need for reliable sources.  


No Subject Limits

Historical research is limitless. Consider the life of a person, your business or craft, a place, location, or even a period of time.



Community Builder

The time to research and write about topics of the past is exciting but not easy; however, those with the capacity to do the work are rewarded with the gratitude of many people from many spaces.


Do you have a Biographical/Historical book idea you're ready to release to the world, but are not sure of your next steps? Then it's time to talk about it. If you are ready to move forward, click the link below and let's get started!

I'm Ready!
 Self Publishing Made Easy with Kaishia!

I'm on assignment to help you through your self publishing journey. You’re not in this alone. 


Let's Talk! Schedule your call now.