Interested in Self Publishing a Spiritual Development Book?

The book of Matthews in the bible says we are to, "Go and make disciples (28:19)." Coming to the knowledge of Christ and receiving salvation is just the beginning. Spiritual development and maturity is needed for all believer in Christ. This is how we grow, heal, become and make disciples. 
 If you have a Spiritual Development Book in mind, grab this free guide on how to plan, start, and prepare a Spiritual Development Book for publishing.
You will learn the steps you need to turn your idea into a reality.


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Step By Step Guide to Self Publishing



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Spiritual Development Facts...


Great Resource & Tool

Spiritual development is not just for new believers. As we continue on the path of righteousness, sound teaching is needed for this journey.  


For some, the work is already done.

Teacher and preachers alike have countless notes or sermons which are the perfect outlines and foundation for a Spiritual Development book. 



Community Builder

Bible study groups, churches, mentoring groups, etc. are perfect communities to collaborate with or to build on.


Do you have a spiritual development book idea you're ready to release to the world, but are not sure of your next steps? Then it's time to talk about it. If you are ready to move forward, click the link below and let's get started!

I'm Ready!
 Self Publishing Made Easy with Kaishia!

I'm on assignment to help you through your self publishing journey. You’re not in this alone. 


Let's Talk! Schedule your call now.