Interested in Self Publishing a Workbook, Curriculum, or Manual ?

Fact! There are 2 frames of thought to becoming and expert. (1) 10,000 a day, dedicated to your craft, or (2) 15 minutes a day for 3-5 years. We all have an area of interest that we have spend countless hours or study and practice. Use your knowledge and experience to create a tool that will serve as a resource to many.
If you have a biographical/historical book in mind, grab this free guide on how to plan, start, and prepare a Workbook, Curriculum, or Manual for publishing.
You will learn the steps you need to turn your idea into a reality.


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Step By Step Guide to Self Publishing



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Workbooks, Curriculum, & Manuals 



Great Resource & Tool

Conrad Hall said, "You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward." The road of knowledge isn't just driven by workbooks and manuals, but by your fresh ideas, concepts, and experiences.  


Tools from the Subject Matter Experts (SME)

Wikipedia says the term SME is used when developing materials about a topic (a book, an examination, a manual, etc.), and expertise on the topic is needed by the personnel developing the material. 



Community Builder

Your curriculum and workbook are just the foundation to building a strong community. Use your book to create workshops, training groups and webinars.


Do you have a Workbook, Curriculum, or Manual you're ready to release to the world, but are not sure of your next steps? Then it's time to talk about it. If you are ready to move forward, click the link below and let's get started!

I'm Ready!
 Self Publishing Made Easy with Kaishia!

I'm on assignment to help you through your self publishing journey. You’re not in this alone. 


Let's Talk! Schedule your call now.